Back to Life Physical Therapy is a woman-owned physical therapy office. It has been operating in Oakland’s Temescal neighborhood since 1999. There is also a San Francisco location.
Back to Life PT’s treatment is based on the Movement System Balance approach, meaning their practitioners consider the entire movement system rather than individual symptoms when providing treatment. This method incorporates exercise, balance training relaxation, diaphragmatic breathing, biofeedback, and more to address an individual patient’s needs. The therapists are highly trained professionals, each with over 30 years of experience.
When choosing a physical therapist, you want to choose someone that will give you the best results in the fewest number of visits possible. Back to Life PT specializes in treating several ailments. Chronic conditions such as back pain, hip pain, incontinence, postpartum therapy, and digestive pain are often addressed, here. They also specialize in treating patients who have not benefited from treatments by other physical therapists. If you’re an individual that has been dealing with difficult-to-treat physical pain, let the professionals at Back to Life PT get you out of pain and back to doing the things that you enjoy.
Along with physical therapy, Back to Life offers workshops and free lectures. You can even rent the space for your wellness event. To learn more about rentals, click here. They also offer informative videos that include helpful exercises and health tips, which can be viewed here. Watch this TED Talk given by Back to Life PT’s owner, Amy Selinger, explaining why we develop back pain.
Call today to set up an consultation appointment, and see how Back to Life can bring you back to your best physical self. Their office is located in a building that is shared with several other health and wellness professionals including acupuncturist, nutritionists, and more. The building is in a quiet area with free, easy-to-find street parking.